Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Rob, Joe, Carol (Brama), Gavin, Gwen, Calvin, Nolan & Shelby

In every picture we take as a family we realize someone is missing. A person who we loved more than anything that is no longer with us. We see him in our children's smiles, we hear him in their laughter. This man was so much more then words can say.

I was lucky the day that I married his son. He is a wonderful husband and father. I knew he would be from watching the two of them together.

He treated me like his daughter and loved me unconditionally. Something that I had never known before.

So Happy Birthday Dad.

I hope you are proud of all these little miracles that remind us of you. You are so loved and you will never be forgotten.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Time at Disneyland

Every year we head to Disneyland in October. It's fun to see all the Halloween decorations and charterers all dressed up. We love Nightmare before Christmas, its one of our favorite movies and love the Haunted Mansion all Jacked out. And Space Mountain is all soooo scary as Ghost Galaxy. Its means fall is here and the holidays are upon us. Its a family traditions that we look forward to every year.

Love this face....

It's not always easy to get them all to smile!!!

He's a handful, but he is all mine...

My Big Boy, love how big his heart is....

All of us and Brama with the Mickey Pumpkin.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blessed Little Nest

I really enjoy this blog. I discovered it from my friend Kristy's Blog

If you get a chance check it out. Its called Blessed little nest

I have found lots of cool new crafts ideas to try. I hope she inspires you to try as many new things as she has me. Take a look and enjoy.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mickey Shirts

I have wanted to make Mickey Shirts for along time, but was scared to try it. I'm good at sewing quilts and stuff but appliques are not as easy as they look and I have been scared to try them on shirts or quilts. So I decided to just do it Friday Night. Make shirts for everyone, for our Trip to Disneyland the next day. You know its wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I loved the way they came out and lots of people made comments at Disneyland. So I learned to always try new things, you never know what you may be good at and it may not be as hard as it seems. Cant wait to make more of these and to try something new.

Calvin & Nolan's Shirts

My Shirt

Brama's Shirt

Shelby's Shirt

Loved the shirts too bad the letters fell off... need to find new better letters for next time!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Apple Picking Pictures

Nolan making a candle....
Calvin learning how to use a bow and arrow.....

Our bushel of apples.....

Shelby putting the apples in the box with Nolan...

Apple Picking

We took the kids to Riley Farms to pick apples and they loved it. Calvin learned how to shot a bow and arrow and Nolan dipped candles. We walked around and just had fun. Then we picked a bushel of apples. I need to figure out what to do with them all. We also found these amazing donuts and cider that are addictive and I'm glad its a two hour drive to get there or we would be in trouble. It was so much fun and a great family outing. I love making memories like these. Cant wait to go back next year.

Monday, October 11, 2010


I love the Fall. The weather the colors. It is my favorite time of year. I think its because of the smells. I love the smell of pumpkin bread or cookies cooking in the oven. I get to make chicken and dumplings for dinner or some other comfort food. Rob is happy because there is football. I'm happy because I have more time to sew and create. It also tells me that the holidays are almost here, which I love. Its a time for friends and family and a time to cuddle up with the kids and watch a movie. I love this time of year.